Sunday, November 4, 2007

Whoowhoooooo, I am soooooo excited!

I can't believe my luck! I was putting away some clothes on my dresser last evening ( dh did the laundry :) ) and guess what I came across????? a cheque from the cablevision company we were dealing with at our old address for $100! When we had joined their co-op each member paid $100 and they receive it whenever they move or cancel. I had seen it last week but was so preoccupied with everything I forgot all about it! I am usually on top of things like that, especially when it comes to placing our money.

Anyhow, our dds school pictures came in this past Friday and I hadn't put money aside for them , I had thought they would be due in another couple of weeks or something. That will be $30 total for both girls. I will take $20 for stockpiling and the remaining $50 will go towards our baby emergency fund.

I thought about putting the remaining $50 onto the credit card debt but then decided against it as right now we have only $10 in our emergency fund. With dh and I being use to having an emergency fund up until a few months ago it is a horrible feeling realizing that you now have nothing. I need to get the baby emergency fund up to $500 so I am thinking that this upcoming pay I will try to squeeze out $100 to put in there.

I really like Dave Ramseys babystep with having a baby emergency fund while getting out of debt :).

Well, time for me to get ready for work, I picked up an extra 2 hours and 35 minutes today as I am filling in for one of the ladies for after school. YaY! Go Me! :)


kbeeps said...

WOO HOO! Yay for the $100! It's funny how money can just seem to fall in your lap when you need it most, isn't it?

Making Cents of Debt said...

Found money is such a wonderful surprise! Way to go.

Heather said...

Karen, I couldn't agree more! :)

Thanks Mary, It certainly was a wonderful surprise :)