Saturday, November 3, 2007

What I am Noticing About our Debt Paydown....

Sometimes I get overwhelmed with the amount of debt owing, I think we all do at times. I am however noticing that with our determination to pay down our debt in an intense way there is more money available then we realized.Whether it is to pick up a part time job, cut back on groceries the frugal way,selling books etc on ebay, making a batch of homemade soup to put in the freezer to have as an appetizer before dinner helps to limit those 2nd helpings of meat and potatoe :)

I did end up getting a part time job at our dds school which is bringing in roughly $450 extra a month durring the school year. It depends on how many extra shifts I can pick up besides my 80 minutes per day on what my take home pay is and whether there are school holidays etc but all in all that is what it will average out to, at least that is what I have figured.

I am just amazed however at how creative one can get. We use to have our chip and pop night on a friday or saturday night, now it is air popped popcorn with some melted butter and a glass of juice.We no longer rent cheap movies, we see what is schedualed on t.v that night or swap a movie with a friend. There is no more dreading walking to work for me anymore (well most times lol) now it is hey! it doesn't take me 30 to 35 minutes to walk to work now, instead it only takes me 20 minutes! :), yes I am even getting in shape! Although once the snow hits we will see how I feel lol.

Instead of focusing on what I "could" have I am focusing on what I "Do" have. I try to always stay cheerful and have a warm smile to offer.Have you ever noticed how this can be so contagious? Just one smile will put a smile on someone else :). Yes, sometimes I do have the feeling of being overwhelmed by debt and among other things but I am finding that they are becoming few and far between and I have this inner peace of appreciating the "little" things in life more than I ever have before.


Kacie said...

Hooray! Looks like you're doing great!

kbeeps said...

You're such an inspiration.

Does your library have movies you can check out for your movie night? I do that quite often...

Anonymous said...

Adopting an attitude of gratitude has helped me my entire life. When you appreciate what you have, it makes your life so much fuller. I think putting out that positive type vibe into the world actually brings more positive back to you, too. Gosh, when you think about what is going on in the rest of the world, (famine, starvation, genocide, war, etc.) it kind of makes our problems insignificant. Sorry ... I'm not trying to get all preachy ... it just really helped me to put a new perspective on my problems when I thought about them in the big picture of things. Anyway ... I'm proud of your positive approach and your attitude of gratitude !!!

HS @ Our Debt Blog said...

I need to be more like you... that's all I'm going to say.

Heather said...

Thanks everyone! :)

Kacie, I feel like we are doing great, especially when I look at the debt numbers going down :) lol.

Karen, I am not sure what they have at our library, I am going to check it out tomorrow, great idea! :)

Dawn, I am so very grateful, I am learning to appreciate the little things in which at one time I would have over looked :)

Our Debt, A big Welcome to You! :) I find that it is pretty much hit and miss with some things lol, but when it comes to the crunch it seems to be working out pretty good :)