Monday, May 18, 2009

Emergency Fund Madness!!

I reviewed the four posts here regarding our Emergency Fund and I am just stunned that over the past 1 1/2 to 2 years how we are still yet again at the stage of getting that baby emergency funded.

Over this time period we have been murphy'd left,right,and center. Between dh being without work for 2 to 3 months last year, money owe'd to dh from his previous employer which never did get to dh, losing money on the investment property we had bought and have since sold.

Everytime I think that everything is just grand something happens. We need to have that emergency fund in case the car breaks down, a tire blows,or if we need an emergency dental visit etc. We need to get this done so that I can move on to getting the Freedom Account started (I will post about that once we have our baby emergency fund completed) I already have the categories and how much $ will go into each one once this first step is done. All the extra $ after this will be going on to snowball our debts which of course is another entry to post.

Seriously though, enough is enough and I/we am/are finally going to break this vicious cycle. I'm tired and I want financial freedom and I want it within a reasonable time frame. I don't mean like tomorrow I want the financial freedom fairy to appear, although that would be something, but I want to at least set the plan in motion and keep the wheels rolling until I can finally say we did it!

So, right now our baby emergency fund is at $567.01/$1000. We are over the half way mark. I will not be able to add to this until next week. I thought maybe this week but no, there is no wiggle room what-so-ever in this pay which I have just discovered after talking to dh.

I have to remind myself that we started funding this yet again on April 24th/09 with only $66.89 in our emergency fund. We made a decission that we would take $100 out of each pay (works out to weekly as dh gets paid one week and I the next)I don't know how that amount came to be the amount but we Knew that if it was too hard that we could scale back.

It takes dh and I about 3 to 6 weeks to form a habit, it is just to hang on to that habit lol. With determination and keeping this our goal I have no doubt that we can have our baby emergency fund completed within 3 to 4 more weeks.


kbeeps said...

If anyone can do it, it's you two. You have an amazing ability to pull money out of thin air to stock your emergency fund!

And hey - if the financial freedom fairy DOES show up on your doorstep, will you please send her my way when she's finished at your house? :-)

Heather said...

LOL! I will be sure to send her your way too my frugal buddy :D.

Thanks for the complement too!